Walmart Logistics

Walmart is the second largest Ecommerce marketplace in the US, and as such, presenting a great opportunity for sellers to grow their sales. Unicargo offers customizable and competitive logistics solutions to ensure timely and compliant delivery to Walmart’s warehouses and stores.

Why Choose Unicargo's Walmart Logistics Services?

End-to-End Services

The Walmart marketplace provides great opportunities for Ecommerce businesses, but having the Walmart name also comes with the heavy responsibility to continually deliver, a responsibility that is rolled on to the smallest of sellers in using their Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS).

Our Walmart logistics service includes transportation, warehousing, and distribution of goods aimed at efficiently meeting Walmart’s delivery and inventory requirements

Streamline Your Walmart Logistics with Unicargo’s Online Platform

Unicargo’s digital platform allows for digitizing your Walmart’s logistics processes. Finally, gain full access to documentation, milestone notifications, and 24/7 access to your shipment status. Our platform provides visibility throughout the entire process and seamless tracking of changes and deliverability predictions.

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Empowering Your Supply Chain

Unicargo’s Walmart logistics service leverages our experience and technology to optimize your supply chain through the WFS program, no matter the type of products you’re selling. Providing this all-in-one solution enables us to offer competitive pricing and ensure continued support, even when you diversify your product offerings.


Scale with Ease

Our ecosystem of services boosts your operation no matter its scale. Whether you’re selling only on Walmart’s marketplace, want to diversify your current sales strategy, or run an omnichannel sales operation. We have the know-how and infrastructure to support your current and future demands, eliminating your need to deal with multiple forwarders and growing with the one that knows you best.

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Infrastructure Built for Ecommerce Sellers

Properly preparing products for Walmart’s Fulfillment services can be time-consuming and costly. We built infrastructure and warehouses that specialize in Walmart logistics, streamlining your supply chain. By partnering with us, you’ll experience reduced costs and penalties, faster turnaround times, and increased customer satisfaction.


To begin working with Unicargo, simply fill out our RFQ [add link] form, and our team will get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

Walmart has strict delivery and inventory requirements that must be met to avoid chargebacks and maintain a positive relationship with the retailer. Partnering with a logistics provider like Unicargo can help suppliers efficiently manage their supply chain, ensure compliance, and meet Walmart's strict delivery windows.

Suppliers may face challenges in meeting Walmart's strict delivery windows, managing inventory levels to meet Walmart's demands, complying with specific packaging and labeling requirements, and ensuring that their products meet Walmart's quality and safety standards.

Our Walmart logistics offering includes transportation, warehousing, and distribution of goods, labeling and packaging in compliance with Walmart's requirements, delivery coordination, and inventory management to help suppliers balance their inventory levels and production and storage costs.

We manage deliveries efficiently and work closely with dedicated representatives within the WFS program. whether it's a small shipment or a large volume of products, to ensure that products arrive on time and in the right quantities without missing Walmart's strict delivery windows.

We help suppliers balance their inventory levels with their production and storage costs to ensure their stock levels match Walmart's. We also offer warehousing services to help keep your inventory close to Walmat’s fulfillment centers. Our warehouses are equipped with the latest inventory management system (IMS), providing you with the transparency and predictability you need to run your business.

Our online platform provides visibility throughout the entire process and seamless tracking of changes and deliverability predictions. It allows suppliers to access documentation, milestone notifications, and 24/7 access to their shipment status, streamlining the Walmart logistics process

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