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Understanding the Role of an Importer of Record (IOR)

Importer of Record (IOR)

What Is an Importer of Record (IOR)? International trade is complex, especially for global traders dealing with regulations, ...

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Why Cargo Insurance is a Must and Why Is It Important?

Insurance in logistics

Ever juggled a dozen eggs on a unicycle over a tightrope? That’s how transporting goods globally feels – ...

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Digital Freight Forwarding Trends for 2024: What to Expect

A decade ago, digital freight forwarding strutted on the logistics scene like a new kid in town. But fast ...

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From Concept to Customer – The Overlooked Factor in Amazon FBA Product Development

Your best friend, who lives in Australia and dabbles in selling through Amazon FBA, messages you about his ...

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All you need to know about Trump’s new import tax and how to handle it

As tensions in the trade war between China and the USA hot up, USA importers of certain Chinese ...

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Escalation in the US-China trade war – Amazon sellers are preparing for an increase in their supply chain costs

On September 24, the third round of tariffs on goods imported from China, amounting to $200 billion, took effect. A... ...

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